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A first impression - 1 hour 

Let's meet -  2 hours

Dinner/Lunch - 4h hours

Extended dinner - 6 hours

Al night long - 12 hours

Dinner to brunch - 18 hours

A day and a night - 24 hours

A weekend - 48 hours


Additional hour

€ 400

€ 700

€ 1200

€ 1500

€ 2500

€ 3000

€ 3500

€ 6000


€ 300


£ 400

£ 700

£ 1200

£ 1500

£ 2500

£ 3000

£ 3500

£ 6000


£ 300

A first impression - 1 hour 

Let's meet -  2 hours

Dinner/Lunch - 4 hours

Extended dinner - 6 hours

Al night long - 12 hours

Dinner to brunch - 18 hours

A day and a night - 24 hours

A weekend - 48 hours


Additional hour


FMTY Europe

€ 1500

€ 3000

€ 3500

€ 6000


€ 300

Extended dinner - 6 hours

Dinner to brunch - 18 hours

A day and a night - 24 hours

A weekend - 48 hours


Additional hour

FMTY rest of the world

 € 3500

€ 5000

€ 6500


€ 500

Dinner to brunch - 18 hours

A day and a night - 24 hours

A weekend - 48 hours


Additional hour


Explore unparalleled luxury with Nina Delvaux, your gateway to elite travel companionship. Immerse yourself in the ultimate girlfriend experience, where Nina's captivating charm, petite frame, and vibrant personality promise enchantment. Whether you're drawn to classic refinement or daring kink, Nina, based in Brussels, elevates high-class escort standards. Embark on an adventure with Nina Delvaux, where every encounter is a curated exploration of desire and sophistication.

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